When YOU invest in the United Way, YOU reach more people in more ways than any single charity because you help our entire community.
BEST PART… The money raised in Cornwall SDG stays in Cornwall SDG!
“This is a game-changer for our local United Way. Becoming a Retiree Hero offers us a simple way to continue giving back to our community on a monthly basis, much in the same way many did during their working years. My wife Frances and I are proud to be Retiree Heroes”
Guy Lauzon
“For those who aren’t aware…I’m going to retire in the very near future, but I still want to continue giving monthly to the United Way campaign. The United Way has always been apart my life. I truly believe that every donation changes lives in our community, so I encourage everyone to continue donating or become a United Way Retiree Hero today”
Peggy Haramis
Sign up for an automatic monthly withdrawal. Your donation will be directed to the United Way of S.D.& G. on the 15th every month. (Provide a VOID Cheque and start for as little as $10 a month to make a big IMPACT!)
For more detailed information on United Way Retiree Hero Monthly Giving Program contact the United Way office at 613-932-2051.
What it’s about
Were you a United Way donor through payroll deduction but now your retired, or maybe you switched jobs, moved and are currently not signed up to donate?
Here’s an easy way to give back to your community Pre-Authorized Debit – Direct Debit – Pre-Authorized Withdrawals – Personal PADs… they are all the same, a simple and easy way of giving on a monthly basis.
Personal PADs are automated recurring payments from your personal bank account directed to the United Way. This direct withdrawal will happen on the 15th of month and you choose the amount that you want to give. You will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year, that will be mailed to your home.
The United Way / Centraide of S.D.& G will set up your Personal PAD. What we need is a void personal cheque and the PAD agreement with your signature. Please contact United Way Centraide of S.D.& G at 613-932-2051 or email info@unitedwaysdg.com to book an appointment.